Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: Classical and Modern Aspects in Physics Teaching and Learning with Pleasure and Creative Understanding
Authors: H.V.Toma(1), Daniela Stoica(2), T.Ferener-Vari(1)
Affiliation: (1)Colegilul National"Mihai Viteazul" Ploiesti
(2)Colegilul National"Ion Luca Caragiale" Ploiesti
E-mail tonio_fv@hotmail.com; Horia_TOMA_CD@yahoo.com; prof_dana_stoica@yahoo.com
Keywords: computerized experiments, didactic tools, LabView
Abstract: Our work shows how can be created auxiliary didactic tools for minimum effort and maximum efficiency in physics teaching and learning by combining and merging new and old possibilities: the computerized laboratories and experiments and the gradual presentation of the cognitive content. Teaching and learning with pleasure and creative understanding can generate each other and appear if each small step of working memory load is automatically fallowed by several small steps of a mental schema. The mental schemas are necessary in two processes. The first process happens during learning and consists in the integration of the cognitive content from the working memory into the long-term memory. The second process happens during the creative using of learned content and consists in finding the stoked information into the long-term memory in order to be transferred into the working memory. Our work shows didactic tools, which optimize both complementary processes: the progressive small load of the volatile working memory and the progressive creation of thinking schemas in the non volatile long term memory. Didactic tools for mental schemas in learning physics should contain questions, which help the student to express the learned content. The assisted by computer laboratories can increase the creative thinking only if they do not overload the working memory. This is possible when the cognitive content is presented gradual. Such conditions are favorable to the production of schemas of words, images and actions during the integration of the new information into the long-term memory. The computerized laboratories can offer the possibility to do both type of experiments: virtual and real. LabVIEW can be used to create interfaces with virtual instruments, which show virtual or real data. The professor can help the students to discover and use the most suitable Web pages created by the best experts in physics and programming.