Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2005 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Data analysis for hydrological characteristics regionalization of water resources in Timis-Bega hydrographic area
Authors: Monica Ghioca
Affiliation: National Institute of Hydrology and Water management
E-mail mghioca@yahoo.com
Keywords: flood, drought, PDSI, Palfai
Abstract: The 2000 and 2005’s floods in Romania have demonstrated that to reduce the frequency and magnitude of the damages due to inundation, an evaluation of hydrological regimes constitute the indispensable premise and the rational basis of mitigation measures program against flood damages, in order to protect life.
Historical series of data were analyzed and computations of the synthetic hydrological parameters and river flow variation which characterize the natural regime of water resources in the space Timis-Bega was provided.
Indicators applicable to various types of different hydrological regimes were applied. There are several indices that measure how much precipitation and discharges for a given period of time has deviated from historically established norms. Palmer Drought Severity Index, Palfai Aridity Index, percent of normal, deciles were computed.