2025-03-07 4:29


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting

Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Studies of the optical properties of the commercial grade Aetoxisclerol

Adriana Smarandache (1), M. Trelles (2), J. Moreno-Moraga (3), M.L. Pascu (1)

(1) National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Laser Department, P.O.Box, MG-36, 077125,

Bucharest, Romania,

(2) Instituto Médico Vilafortuny, Cambrils, Spain

(3) Instituto Médico Láser, Madrid, Spain


sclerotherapy, Aetoxisclerol, polidocanol, laser radiation

Polidocanol is found in commercially available Aetoxisclerol 2% which contains: polidocanol, sodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, ethanol and pure water. When Aetoxisclerol is exposed to laser radiation, one should consider the interaction with all these compounds. It seems that exposure of tissues impregnated with polidocanol, to laser radiation at 1.06μm improves the treatment efficiency. The Aetoxisclerol absorption spectra indicate no significant absorption in UV-VIS and very weak peaks in NIR at 900nm, 1.18 μm, 1.69μm and 1.72μm; ethanol has absorption peaks at 900nm, 1μm and 1.2μm. Pure water, sodium hydrogen phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate absorb insignificantly at 1.06µm. We exposed Aetoxisclerol at pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam: 1.06μm, rep.rate 10pps, FTW 5ns, beam energy on sample 1.359mJ. The exposure varied between 2-30 min and the irradiation dose was (3.2-45) J/cm2. Following irradiation, the absorption spectra of Aetoxisclerol at λ>500nm remained within the measuring errors. Modifications above error limits were observed between 250nm - 270nm. Comparing these data with clinical results (Instituto Médico Vilafortuny) the improvement of the action of Aetoxisclerol on the varicose vein by exposure of the tissues impregnated with it at 1.06μm, might be due to the following mechanisms: * at 1.06μm the absorption may be produced by ethanol and haemoglobin; * at 250nm, the radiation may be absorbed by the polidocanol; possibly, nonlinear absorption effects take places in the tissue such as absorption of 4 photons at 1.06 μm (transition at 266nm). This research was supported by: ANCS: LAPLAS 3-PN 09 33, PALIRT 41-018/2007.