Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2012 Meeting
Section: Educational Physics
Title: An Interdisciplinary Approach of the Concept “Temperature”
Authors: Daniela STOICA(1,2), Al. JIPA(2), Cristina MIRON(2), T. FERENER-VARI(3), H. TOMA(3), Roxana SAVULESCU(1), A. MATEI(1), A. DUMA(1)
Affiliation: (1)"Ion Luca Caragiale" National College, Ploiesti, Romania
(2)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor Street 405, P.O. Box MG 11, 077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
(3)"Mihai-Viteazul" National College, Ploiesti, Romania
E-mail prof_dana_stoica@yahoo.com
Keywords: skin temperature, computer assisted experiment, interdisciplinarity
Abstract: Taking into consideration the limited capacity of the working memory, the teacher should limit the amount of information the student has. So, the knowledge about heat transfer can be used to explain the control of the skin temperature, using an interdisciplinary approach between Physics and Anatomy. The use of the interactive whiteboard and a computer assisted experiment allows the transition from the concept of temperature to the notions regarding the regulation of human body temperature and the explanation of the fact that animals from the polar areas survive to cold. The purpose of this study is to measure the skin temperature when the skin is exposed to different conditions: to still air, to moving air, to a mixture of water and ice, to the interior of a rubber glove or a sky glove. The obtained charts are discussed and conclusions are drawn regarding the conductivity of different materials. The study highlights the fact that an interdisciplinary approach of the natural phenomena in learning activities contributes to the student’s increased interest.