Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2008 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: Carbon composite materials for EMI applications
Authors: I. ION*, C.M. MITU**, Y. KOVALEV***, N. Szekely****
Affiliation: *National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering, Bucharest,Romania
**Institute of Space Science, Bucharest,Romania
***Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
****Research Institute for Solid state Physics and Optics Neutron Spectroscopy Department, Budapest, Hungary.
E-mail ionioanamitu@yahoo.com
Keywords: carbon materials, nanocarbon, mesophase, SANS,Unified Approximation Method
Abstract: The aim of our work is to design and develop new materials with controlled properties for electromagnetic interference (EMI) application was synthesised a series of CCM based on CTP as matrix and different amount of nanocarbon as additive.
The CCM were characterised by structural and functional investigations in order to correlate and optimised the raw materials ‹−› processing ‹−› structure ‹−› properties ‹−› performance for the EMI application.
As structural investigations were utilized:
Imagistic techniques: Optical and Electronic Microscopy;
Diffractive techniques: X-Ray Diffraction and Small-Angle Scattering [3-4].
The results of diffractive measurements were interpreted by the Unified Approximation Method. The proposed model consists in two structural levels: BSU (basic structural units) and fractal clusters.
From imagistic investigation was found that nanocarbon acted as active site during the mesophase formation, increased temperature of mesophase formation and the numbers of crystalline microdomains.