Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2011 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Comparison between the Monte Carlo simulation of the prompt fission neutron emission and the Point by Point model calculations applied on 252Cf (SF)
Authors: C. Manailescu (1), A. Tudora (1), O. Serot (2)
Affiliation: (1) Bucharest University, Faculty of Physics, RO-077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
(2) CEA Cadarache, F-13108, Saint Paul lez Durance, France
E-mail cristian.manailescu@gmail.com
Keywords: fission; prompt neutrons; spectrum; multiplicity
Abstract: Accurate nuclear data concerning the emission of prompt fission neutrons (i.e. multiplicity and spectra) as well as other fission fragment data are of great importance for reactor physics design and for many other nuclear physics applications. In the present work, the results of two distinguished methods regarding the prompt fission neutron emission are compared. The first one, a Point by Point (PbP) method, which is today one of the finest and most appreciated models, already tested for many fissioning systems is taken as a reference. This model takes into account that almost the entire prompt neutron emission takes place from fully accelerated fission fragments, the sequential emission of neutrons is taken into account by the residual nuclear temperature distribution and consider also a energy dependence of the compound nucleus cross section of the inverse process. The second one, a Monte Carlo method, is mainly based on a mass–dependent temperature ratio law used for the initial excitation energy partition of the fission fragments and a spin–dependent excitation energy limit for neutron emission. The two methods were applied for the spontaneous fission (SF) of 252Cf. The results obtained with the Monte Carlo method regarding the prompt fission neutron number as a function of the fission fragment mass (the so-called “sawtooth”), the average neutron energy in the center of mass system as a function of fragment mass number, the neutron multiplicity distribution, as well as the neutron energy spectra are in good agreement with the available experimental data and the results provided by the PbP model.