Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Applied Nuclear Physics
Title: Nuclear Accident Consequence assessment for 14 MW TRIGA Research Reactor using both conservative and best estimates assumptions
Authors: Sorin Margeanu (1), Cristina Alice Margeanu (1), Marin Ciocanescu (1)
Affiliation: (1) Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti, PO.Box-78, 115400-Mioveni, Romania
E-mail sorin.margeanu@nuclear.ro
Keywords: nuclear accident, radiological emergencies, dose evaluation, fission product release
Abstract: INR-Pitesti TRIGA research reactor is basically a pool type reactor with a special design in order to fulfil the requirements for material testing, power reactor fuel and nuclear safety studies. The dual-core concept involves the operation of a TRIGA-SSR high-flux, steady-state research and material testing reactor at one end of a large pool, and the independent operation of an annular-core pulsing reactor (TRIGA-ACPR) at the other end of the pool. The safety evaluation involved a several design basis accidents. From those accident scenarios, the scenario involving a 25-pins fuel bundle mechanical damage in water was considered. It is assumed, that no fuel melting is occurring, but only fuel-cladding rupture being involved for a 25-pins fuel bundle. In the Final Safety Report for TRIGA Research Reactor commissioning a set of ultraconservative assumptions were used. The paper evaluates the radiological consequences, both early and late consequences, from the emergency preparedness point of view for both ultraconservative and best estimates sets of assumptions.