Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2009 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: The microscopic Hubble constant in relativistic nuclear collisions. New insights
Authors: Al. JIPA*, V. COVLEA**, M. CALIN*, T. ESANU*, R. PAUN*
Affiliation: *Atomic and Nuclear Physics Chair, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
**Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers Chair, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest
E-mail paun.remus@yahoo.ca
Keywords: nuclear physics, relativistic nuclear collisions, high energy physics, microscopic Hubble constant
Abstract: In this work we present the evidence of a Hubble constant in relativistic nuclear collisions, using both the Buda-Lund model and a phenomenological geometric model. Both consider a parallelism between cosmological evolution and fireball evolution.
The predictions of the two models are compared with the experimental results obtained at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) from Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), mainly those obtained by the BRAHMS Collaboration. The experimental results were obtained in p-p, Cu-Cu and Au-Au collisions at the RHIC available energies, namely: 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV in CMS. The main assumption was that of the quark-gluon plasma formation, at very high energy densities reached in these collisions, can be a proof for a cosmological scenario that suppose the existence of this phase of the nuclear matter at a few microseconds after the Big Bang. For describing the formation and the evolution of this phase specific models can be used. One such model is the Buda-Lund model using the idea of the modification of the fireball geometric form during its hydrodynamic evolution. The main hypotheses of the femtometry and hydrodynamics of the relativistic nuclear collisions are used. This model successfully described the Au-Au collisions at RHIC energies. The entire evolution of the overlapping regions of the two colliding nuclei, until it reaches freeze-out, can be compared with the Universe evolution after Big Bang. Therefore, a microscopic Hubble constant for fireball evolution, in analogy to the cosmological Hubble constant describing the Universe evolution from the early stages up to now, can be introduced.
In these assumptions we analysed the behavior of the outer region that lead to elliptical flow in relativistic nuclear collisions, taking into account the fireball geometric form. Further calculations on the behavior of matter at extreme densities will provide insights on this new phase of the nuclear matter, ones related to the ratio of the expansion and the acceleration of the growth of the formed system in analogy of the accelerated growth of the Universe.