Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2010 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Thermo-physical properties of Tantalum studied by inelastic slow neutron scattering and
using the TS-3000Ê thermostat
Authors: C. Oprea(1), G. Mateescu (2), A. I. Oprea (1), Zh. A. Kozlov (1), V. A. Semenov (3, L. Craciun (2), A. V. Puchkov (3)
Affiliation: (1)FLNP-JINR
(2)HORIA HULUBEI” - NIPNE, Bucharest, RO-077125, Romania
(3)IPPE Obninsk, Russian Federation
E-mail coprea2007@yahoo.co.uk, istina@nf.jinr.ru
Keywords: High-temperature thermostat TS-3000Ê, Tantalum, inelastic slow neutron scattering, high temperature measurements
Abstract: The mathematical modeling describing physical processes controlling the evolution of severe accidents in nuclear power plants requires thermo-physical properties of solids, solid-liquid mixtures and liquids up to e.g. 3000K. Usually very limited amount of data is available for materials at very temperatures because of the difficulties of such measurements.High-temperature thermostat TS-3000Ê intended for investigation of material atom dynamics at temperatures up to 3000 Ê in FLNP JINR at the channel two of the IBR-2 reactor (DIN - 2PI experimental facility) was installed. The measurements carried out have proven the capabilities of the thermostat TS-3000K to investigate dynamics of atoms of refractory materials at high temperatures, at least down to 2400 K. In the paper the basic characteristics of the thermostat and the results of the neutron measurements on standard Tantalum sample at different temperatures are discussed.