Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Uranium Isotopic Composition Analysis using Gamma Spectrometry: Applications in Nuclear Forensics - (1)
Authors: Andrei APOSTOL(1), Igor MALIUK(2)
Affiliation: 1 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
2 Institute for Nuclear Research of Ukraine NAS
E-mail andreiapostolmd@hotmail.com
Keywords: Gamma Spectrometry, Nuclear Forensics, Uranium, MGAU, Monte Carlo
Abstract: This paper describes the methodology used for uranium isotopic composition analysis. It is shown how the computer software named “Multigroup ã-ray Analysis Method for Uranium” (MGAU) together with gamma spectrometry can be applied for categorization and characterization of the samples containing uranium. In addition, the specific recommendations for the detector choice are presented. This methodology is often used for the nuclear forensics investigations as the obtained results together with other types of information may reveal the origin of the material. The results of the tests carried out with the use of certified reference uranium isotopic materials SRM 969 and CRM 146 showed a very good performance of the MGAU 4.2 code for the accurate characterization of 235U and 234U abundances. The results of the experiment were analyzed and some characteristics of the method were described. The real case study was taken as an example of application of this methodology. An alternative approach for categorization of samples containing uranium, using Monte Carlo simulations was developed. An overview of this aproach is presented as well.