Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
Title: Advances in laser-scribed planar supercapacitors
Authors: A. TILIAKOS(1), I. STAMATIN(1,2)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor 405, P.O 38, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 077125
2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3 Nanosae Research Center, Atomistilor 405, P.O 38, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 077125
E-mail thanasis_tiliakos@hotmail.com
Keywords: supercapacitors, fractal geometry, laser inscribing, graphite oxide
Abstract: Past studies have documented various implementations of direct laser writing on graphite oxide (GO) films, accounting for the latest developments in printing and lithographic techniques for patterning microscale supercapacitors. Further improvements in the technology of laser-scribed supercapacitors need to focus on scalability and form factor, if we are to reach down to the nanoscale. The present work expands on the theme of electrode geometry by investigating pseudo-fractal patterns that capitalize on scaling parameters to account for vastly increased internal lengths over finite surfaces. Fractals are generated by simple iterative algorithms that can result in space-filling curves, whose length-to-surface ratio increases with the number of iterations, pertaining to a fractal dimension that converges at two at the upper bound. We examine the implications of design and the effects of resolution (dictated by the laser operating parameters) on the geometrical properties of the imprinted electrodes, the electrochemical properties of the supercapacitor and the scaling potential of the device towards the nanoscale. We suggest a number of architectural implementations of the above (photolithographic) principles to produce 2D (planar) supercapacitors, employing either self-standing GO films or GO deposited on flexible substrates (PET, PET-ITO).