2025-03-07 4:16


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

Competition between alpha-decay and spontaneous fission in Rf, Db, and Sg isotopes - (2)

Claudia Ioana ANGHEL (1,2), Ioan SILIȘTEANU (2), Alexandru JIPA (1)

1 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania.

2 Department of Theoretical Physics, Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania.


Keywords: superheavy nuclei; á-decay, clustering and scattering amplitudes; resonance tunneling; decay-rates systematics.

The most important decay modes for heavy and superheavy nuclei are their á-decay and spontaneous fission. This work investigates the evolution and the competition of these modes in isotopic sequences. We define, extrapolate and use approximation schemes and methods for obtaining half-lives incorporating the essential physics of decay process. We compile measurements and theoretical half-lives and tabulate recommended values along with total half-lives. We evaluate and compare the alpha decay and fission half-lives using microscopic-macroscopic and phenomenological methods. The alpha and fission half-lives are obtained in terms of a minimal set of parameters determined from the fit of experimental data and results of the shell model rate theory. A summary of the experimental and calculated á-decay and spontaneous fission half-lives of the isotopes of elements Rf, Db, and Sg is presented. Some half-life extrapolations for nuclides not yet known are also obtained. The á-decay and fission are powerful tools for investigating the detailed aspects of nuclear structure and reaction dynamics. The decay properties are strongly connected with the single-particle structure of nuclei. A general question for a given element of how few or how many neutrons can be contained in nucleus to form a bound system, has been the focus of much research on highly unstable nuclei. For superheavy nuclei (SHN) the situation is quite different for proton rich and neutron rich nuclei. Due to the strong Coulomb repulsion of protons, the proton drip-line is much closer to the valley of stable nuclei than the neutron drip-line. Also, this repulsion increases very rapidly the reaction decay energies when moving out toward the drip-line and can lead to the occurrence of new decay phenomena.