Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Exploring the possibility of detecting reactions of interest in astrophysical applications using commercial superheated droplet detectors - (2)
Authors: Ionel LAZANU, Daniel TĂNASE
Affiliation: Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, POBox MG-11, Magurele-Bucharest
E-mail ionel.lazanu@g.unibuc.ro
Keywords: superheated droplet detectors, nuclear reactions, astrophysical applications
Abstract: A distinct class of passive detectors is represented by a version of the modern technology of the classical bubble chambers and consists of tiny superheated liquid droplets that are dispersed throughout a firm elastic gel. Upon irradiation, neutrons interact with the detector medium producing secondary charged particles. These charged particles interact with the superheated liquid droplets, causing them to vaporize, thus resulting in the formation of visible bubbles. The bubbles are trapped at the site of formation.The number of bubbles in the detector is a measure of the neutron dose equivalent, or alternatively of the cross section. This investigation is dedicated to a preliminary analysis of the possibility to use these commercial detectors in study of nuclear reactions of interest for astrophysical processes. The peculiarity of these processes is that the energy range of particles in these processes is around the Coulomb barrier and thus the reaction yields are very low.