Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: The virtual physics laboratory based on the graphical programming environment LabView
Authors: M. OPREA(1,2), Cristina MIRON(1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
2) Mihai Viteazul School, Calarasi, Romania
E-mail opreamarin2007@yahoo.com
Keywords: LabView, virtual experiments, circuits, light, calorimetry, waves
Abstract: A school physics laboratory is a space designed for experiments and practical scientific work, which holds a series of experimental kits that the students can use during the physics lessons. These kits have a rather limited number of experimental materials, which reduce the range of physics experiments that can be performed to the common or standard ones (the study of Ohm’s Law, the determination of the resultant of two competing forces, phase transitions, the determination of the focal length of a lens etc.). Given the presence of such limitations, it is necessary to start the implementation of a new type of didactical resources – virtual ones – which have the capacity to extend and enhance the experimental range of a real physics laboratory. This feat does not require considerable financial investments, but rather creativity and ingenuity in working with an environment for a visual programming, such as LabView. This graphical program application developed by National Instruments enables the setup of virtual experiments covering all the domains of Physics. In the present work paper, we will attempt to illustrate the way one can create didactical software for Mecahnics (mechanical waves), Thermodynamics (calorimetry), Electricity (electrical circuits) and Optics (the reflection and refraction of light) and I will emphasize the didactical importance of a virtual physics laboratory.