Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: On the Coulomb-excitation analysis for medium and heavy nuclei
Authors: Cristian MĂNĂILESCU, Marilena AVRIGEANU and Vlad AVRIGEANU
Affiliation: Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, P.O. Box MG-6, 077125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
E-mail cristian.manailescu@nipne.ro
Keywords: nuclear reactions, Coulomb-excitation, optical model potential
Abstract: The cross sections for nuclear reactions are generally consider to be reasonably well known in spite of many reactions for which the data are conflicting or incomplete to make possible the validation of different model calculations. The present paper is intended to give a consistent answer to the „alpha-potential mystery“ recently underlined by Thomas Rauscher by discussing in details the possible effects driven by the consideration of the Coulomb-excitation process. Therefore an analysis of the Coulomb-excitation cross-section for a series of medium and heavy nuclei is given. Recent high-precision measurements of alpha-particle induced-reaction data below the Coulomb barrier are involved in order to understand actual limits and eventually improve an alpha-particle optical-model potential. The semiclassical coupled-channel Coulomb-excitation least-squares search code, GOSIA, was used in this respect. For the case of the even-even nuclei, only the first 2+ excited states was taken into account, while in the case of the odd ones only the first excited states which presents and E2 transition through the ground state. The GOSIA results are given in comparison with the experimental data and also with the results obtained with the Bertulani’s code DWEIKO. For improved results, the reduced transition probabilities B(E2) values for odd nuclei have to be determined with higher precision.