Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: The Identification of thermal anomalies in the Earth low-atmosphere using the satellite research
Authors: L. St.COZMA
Affiliation: University of Bucharest,Faculty of Physics P.O.BOX MG-11, Măgurele, Romania
E-mail lucian.stefan@yahoo.fr
Keywords: climatic changes, thermal anomalies, anthropic factors
Abstract: The climatic changes in the last decades along with increasingly less predictable effects of the anthropic factors on the environment, have made the environmental monitoring activities to become more and more necessary. Improvement of means of investigating the environmental factors included, among others, means the orbital observation and measurements of physical parameters. An important criteria in the investigation of phenomena in the Earth's low atmosphere is the exchange of heat and especially the thermal anomalies. The size of that anomalies and their dynamics could provide valuable informations on natural phenomena in the lower atmosphere and also about the interaction between environmental and anthropogenic factors. This paper aims to establish some new methods for satellitar surveillance of the thermal anomalies in the lower atmosphere (multi-mission investigation of atmosphere radiances, especially in infrared domain, also using thermal imaging cameras) and also to improve the identification of their causes, observing their dynamics in a continous interaction with the environmental factors. These proposed methods can improve the general investigation on climate as well as the anthropogenetic factors impact on the low and medium atmosphere.