2025-03-07 5:13


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting

Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics

Materials surfaces in interaction with phenothiazines solutions exposed to laser radiation, in view of biomedical applications

Agota SIMON(1,2), Tatiana ALEXANDRU(1,2), M. BONI(1,2), V. DAMIAN(1), Victoria DUTSCHK(3), M. L. PASCU(1,2)

(1) Laser Department, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, 409 Atomiștilor, 077125, Măgurele/Ilfov, Romania

(2) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 405 Atomiștilor, 077125, Măgurele/Ilfov, Romania

(3) Engineering of Fibrous Smart Materials (EFSM), Faculty for Engineering Technology (CTW), University of Twente, De Horst 2, 7522 LW Enschede, The Netherlands


Phenothiazines, Nd:YAG laser, surface tension, solid surfaces wettability.

It is important to study the basic properties of wetting of solid surfaces by liquids since the dynamic wetting processes play a crucial role in many industrial, biological and biomedical applications. In medical treatments the interaction of special surfaces (belonging to biological or alien materials) with biological fluids have a central place, another important aspect consisting in the interaction of these special surfaces with medicine solutions, used for the treatment of burned tissues, skin injuries, surface infections and/or skin cancer. The present work introduces the wettability values of surfaces by medicines containing solutions, using phenothiazine derivative aqueous solutions. It is well-known that these medicines are photosensitive compounds, therefore undergo modifications at molecular level when exposed to white light or UV radiation. The parental compound will be degraded, leading new photoproducts with specific activities. A high energy laser beam was utilized to speed up the respective process, irradiating the medicine solutions, in order to increase their antibacterial activity. These drugs are also known as non-antibiotics and they are compounds able to overcome the multiple drug resistance acquired by bacteria. In the experiments reported in this paper, Chlorpromazine (CPZ), Promazine (PZ) and Promethazine (PMZ), all three in hydrochloride powder form were prepared in ultrapure water and were exposed to pulsed Nd:YAG laser radiation emitted at 266 nm. The irradiated solutions have been evaluated by pH measurements, UV/Vis/NIR absorption spectrophotometry, laser induced luminescence, thin layer chromatography (TLC) and surface tension measurements. The purpose of the investigations consisted in the determination of the contact angles between specific surfaces (cotton, polyester and Parafilm M) and phenothiazines solutions exposed to laser radiation. The results confirmed: solutions containing medicines have higher wettability in comparison to water. Cotton textile can be impregnated more easily with drug solution in view of biomedical applications. CPZ on cotton has the best wettability. Acknowledgements: The authors from NILPRP acknowledge the financing of the research by CNCS – UEFISCDI by project number PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1350. The studies were performed under the umbrella of COST Action MP1106.