Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2014 Meeting
Section: Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics
Title: Faraday waves in collisionally inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates
Authors: A. I. NICOLIN(1,2), A. BALAZ (3), R. PAUN (1), R. RAMASWAMY (4), S. BALASUBRAMANIAN (4)
Affiliation: 1) Department of Computational Physics and Information Technologies, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), P. O. Box MG-6, 077125, Romania
2) Research Center "Theoretical Physics", University of Bucharest
3)Scientific Computing Laboratory, Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia
4)Centre for Nonlinear Science, Post-Graduate and Research Department of Physics, Government College for Women (Autonomous), Kumbakonam 612001, India
E-mail alexandru.nicolin@nipne.ro
Keywords: Density waves, collisionally inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates
Abstract: We study the emergence of Faraday waves in cigar-shaped collisionally inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates subject to periodic modulation of the radial confinement. Considering a Gaussian-shaped radially inhomogeneous scattering length, we show through extensive numerical simulations and detailed variational treatment that the spatial period of the emerging Faraday waves increases as the inhomogeneity of the scattering length gets weaker, and that it saturates once the width of the radial inhomogeneity reaches the radial width of the condensate. In the regime of strongly inhomogeneous scattering lengths, the radial profile of the condensate is akin to that of a hollow cylinder, while in the weakly inhomogeneous case the condensate is cigar shaped and has a Thomas-Fermi radial density profile. Finally, we show that when the frequency of the modulation is close to the radial frequency of the trap, the condensate exhibits resonant waves which are accompanied by a clear excitation of collective modes, while for frequencies close to twice that of the radial frequency of the trap, the observed Faraday waves set in forcefully and quickly destabilize condensates with weakly inhomogeneous two-body interactions.