Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Highlighting certain properties of the RLC series circuit of alternating current with the help of Excel spreadsheets
Authors: Ionel GRIGORE(1,2), Daniela STOICA(3), Cristina MIRON(1), Emil Ștefan BARNA(1)
Affiliation: 1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania
2) ”Lazăr Edeleanu” Technical College, Ploieşti, Romania
3) “Ion Luca Caragiale’’ National College, Ploieşti, Romania
E-mail grigore_1965@yahoo.com
Keywords: spreadsheets, electric circuits, alternating current, current-voltage phase angle, resonance, Physics education
Abstract: This paper explores the graphical facilities of spreadsheets in order to highlight certain properties of the RLC series circuit of alternating current. The behavior of the circuit is simulated using as input data the maximum voltage at terminals, the frequency of the alternating voltage and the parameters of the circuit, the resistance, the inductance and the capacity. The results are presented both analytically and graphically through two categories of graphs. The former comprises the temporal graph which renders the sinusoidal variation in time of the voltage and current through the circuit. This graph juxtaposes the curves of the voltage and current, emphasizing the phase angle between the two measures. The latter comprises the graphs which render the frequency dependency of the following measures: the maximum current from the circuit, the current-voltage phase angle, the inductive and capacitive reactance, the impedance, the maximum voltage at the circuit terminals and the maximum voltages on the elements of the circuit. These graphs highlight the resonance frequency and the values of the respective measures at resonance. With the help of the graphs presented, the performance of the circuit in relation to any parameter from the input data can be analyzed. The paper develops the topic approached by the authors concerning the utilization of spreadsheets in the study of periodical phenomena. It is thus demonstrated that the spreadsheet can contribute to the modeling of electric circuits, helping students grasp the important concepts connected to the functioning of the alternating current circuits. In an interactive manner certain notions can be clarified, such as the current-voltage phase angle or the resonance frequency in the RLC series circuit of alternating current. Using COBRA 3 system of acquisition and data processing were obtained the graphs of total current as a function of frequency in the RLC series circuit.
Acknowledgement: Grigore Ionel was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/159/1.5/S/137750, ”Project Doctoral and Postdoctoral programs support for increased competitiveness in Exact Sciences research” cofinanced by the European Social Found within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013.