2024-11-22 1:37


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting

Section: Physics and Technology of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources

Monitoring system with solar energy supply

Marin STAMATE (1), Sanda VOINEA (1,2)

1)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor 405, P.O 38, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 077125

2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano-SAE Research Center, Atomistilor 405, P.O 38, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 077125


monitoring system, fiber optic network, energy storage system, solar power

This system is planned for remote monitoring through a dispatcher, video signals from cameras. Cameras are mounted on poles or existing own (electricity, telephone etc) and are connected to the fiber optic network. It can be an analog or IP. Through this network the video signal is sent to specialized equipment in its management of type DVR / NVR (digital video recorder / VCR network). DVR is used to manage signals from analog cameras and NVR IP video cameras. Equipment Type DVR / NVR allow encoding, decoding, recording, archiving video signals, access to local or remote images through the Internet etc. Images can be monitored or recorded and can be made available to authorized bodies external support (hardware, stick, CD). Video signals are recorded in DVR / NVR devices with a large memory capacity, hard drive, which can reach 4,000 Gb. To be functional system needs to be supplied with electricity supply in general local distribution operators. The innovation of the present system is the possibility of energy supply video cameras installed in the ground (near goals / important institutions) and the dispatching equipment (DVR, monitor, etc.) through power supplied by a photovoltaic system. This solution has the following advantages: the system remains functional in case of power interruptions, achieve significant savings from reducing electricity bills and the amortization of investments in photovoltaic panels is free energy. The system was designed to work all the time in these energy sources. Thus the energy supplied by photovoltaic panels will provide energy storage system load and also supply video cameras. At night, electricity will be supplied by batteries with a capacity able to service the cameras. However, in exceptional cases, caused by damage to the components of the PV system or periods of time in which is sufficient sunlight, the cameras will benefit from a system of backup to be conventionally powered. This will be achieved via a voltage relay that will inform lowering blood supplied by the photovoltaic system and will automatically switch to power local area network (220 Vac). Similarly the return to normal of the PV system, the control voltage will swing consumers on solar power.