Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics II
Title: The asymmetry factor dependence of the event jet-structure in relativistic nuclear collisions
Authors: Danut ARGINTARU (1), Calin BESLIU (2), Alexandru JIPA (2), Valerica BABAN (1), Eliodor CONSTANTINESCU (1), Tiberiu ESANU (2)
Affiliation: 1) Constanta Maritime University, Romania;
2) Bucharest University,Faculty of Physics, Romania
E-mail danut.argintaru@gmail.com
Keywords: nuclear matter jets, multifragmentation, nuclear matter flow
Abstract: In some previous works [1,2] we found nuclear matter jets in He+At nuclear collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c. We found jet structures as: single jet events, two-jet events,... and nonjet events. We associate these structures with the centrality of the collisions, i.e. with the energy pumped into the target and with the multifragmentation process . In this work we want to observe the evolution of the jet structure of the events and of the characteristics of these jets when the asymmetry factor Ap/At increases to 1, and the multifragmentation mechanism transforms into nuclear matter flow.
[1] Jets of nuclear matter in He-A T inelastic collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c,
C.Bešliu, A.Jipa, D.Argintaru, C.Argintaru, R.Zaharia, J.G.Rican, M.Iosif,
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 1 (1), 65-75, 1998;
[2] Some evidences of multiple particle sources from nuclear matter jets in He+At collisions at relativistic energies,D.Argintaru, C.Besliu, A.Jipa, M.Calin, T.Esanu, Indian Journal of Physics 85 (7), 1169-1173,2011.
Acknowledgement: The simulations were made at YaPT computer system of the research center "Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions", Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University.