Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Comparison of the location of regional earthquakes with Antelope and Geotool software using NIEP and IMS data
Authors: Maria ROGOZEA, Mihaela POPA, Daniel PAULESCU
Affiliation: National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP)
E-mail mrogozea@infp.ro
Keywords: earthquake, Geotool
Abstract: In support of the verification regime of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treat (CTBTO), the National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP) hosts the National Data Centre of Romania (ROM NDC), and operates the auxiliary seismic station Cheia-Muntele Rosu (MLR) as part of International Monitoring System (IMS) network. The paper presents results on reevaluation of regional events based on the monitoring performance of dense national seismic network and IMS stations.We used data associated with Iran-Iraq border, Turcia, Albania, Greece and Mediterranean Sea region, received in real time at ROM NDC, as well as data recorded by IMS stations. The events were located both with Antelope program, used in daily data processing, and Geotool software provided by CTBTO as part of NDC-in-a-box package. The purpose is to test how the two results of the Geotool wising first the NIEP data and then using seismic data from NIEP network and IMS data.
After event relocation, significantly improved solutions were obtained, running Geotool software for NIEP and IMS data. These results were compared with locations computed using only data currently received at ROM NDC.