Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: Determination of the speed of sound in air
Authors: Marin OPREA(1,2), Cristina MIRON(1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
2) Mihai Viteazul School, Calarasi, Romania
E-mail opreamarin2007@yahoo.com
Keywords: echolocation, acoustic, sound, speed, ultrasonic sensor, Arduino
Abstract: In this paper we attempt to present two methods which can be employed in a school physics laboratory of determining the value of the speed of sound through the air. In both cases the measurement principle is based on echolocation. In the first case the sound produced at the opened end of a tube which has a given length is reflected on the other closed end, being detected by a microphone connected to a computer which runs a sound editing software. In the second case an ultrasonic distance sensor is connected to an Arduino board and measures the time it takes for an ultrasonic impulse to travel back to the sensor once it hits a target situated at a predetermined distance. These methods prove to be very fast and produce accurate results.