2024-11-25 0:01


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting

Section: Physics and Technology of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources

Characteristics and performances of solar panels

Stefan Ciprian GURZU (1), Mustafa AL HUSSAINY(1), Florin SIMION (1), Sanda VOINEA(1,2)

1)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Atomistilor 405, P.O 38, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 077125

2)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 3Nano-SAE Research Center, Atomistilor 405, P.O 38, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, 077125

sanda.voinea@3nanosae. org

photovoltaic cells, monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells, amorphous solar cell technology, characteristics of solar panels

Solar energy is one of the fundamental energy resources of the planet, since all life on Earth is sustained by the sun. The light provided by the Sun can successfully fits into the concept of renewable energy for a more ecological Earth , being offered to us free of charge and in huge amounts giving us the possibility to save conventional resources (oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) in addition being very friendly with the environment. To convert the light into useful energy it is needed to use specific devices to harness the solar power . Solar cells are devices that convert the light into electricity. A solar cell consists of two or more layers of semiconductor material, the most common is silicon. The cells , also called photovoltaic cells typically have a very small area and the current generated by one cell is small but mixing several parallel currents of these cells can produce enough energy to be put to practical use. To do this, the cells are encapsulated in the panel which provides mechanical strength and weather resistance. Depending on crystalline semiconductor material used in their manufacture there are three types of photovoltaic cells. Monocrystalline cells are cut from a silicon ingot grown from a single large crystal of silicon whilst polycrystalline cells are cut from an ingot made up from many smaller crystals . The efficiency of solar cells reached 46% in December 2014 when a new world record for the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity has been established with a device build by Soitec and CEA-Leti, France, together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany. The third type is the amorphous or thin-film solar cell . Amorphous solar cell technology is most often seen in small solar panels, such as those in calculators or garden lamps, although amorphous panels are increasingly used in larger applications. They are made by depositing a thin film of silicon onto a sheet of glass, or a substrate made of from a different material.The efficiency of amorphous solar panels is not as high as those made from individual solar cells, although this has improved over recent years to the point where they can be seen as a practical alternative to panels made with crystalline cells. Their great advantage lies in their relatively low cost per Watt of power generated. Depending on the technology, thin-film module prototypes have reached efficiencies between 7–13% and production modules operate at about 9%. Future module efficiencies are expected to climb close to about 10–16%. In this paper we present the characteristics and performances of solar cells at Bucharest University, Faculty of Physics, Department of renewable and alternative energies (SERA) where we are going to perform several measurements and determinations with the laboratory scientific equipment on some solar panels .