Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Digital seismograms for an historic earthquake recorded on 9th November, 1962 in the Vrancea region (Romania)
Authors: Daniel Nistor PAULESCU(1,2),Mircea RADULIAN(2), Maria ROGOZEA(2)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Măgurele, 077125, România
2) National Institute for Earth Physics, Măgurele, 077125, România
E-mail dpaulescu@infp.ro
Keywords: vectorization,seismograph,seimograms
Abstract: A digitization and vectorization procedure is applied for analog seismograms recorded at five stations (BUC, IAS, FOC, BAC, CMP) on Mainka-Demetrescu mechanical seismograph during the earthquake of 9th October 1962 (Mw 5.1) produced in the Vrancea subcrustal region. The parameters of the seismograph are specified for each station. The seismic moment (Mo) and moment magnitude (Mw) are evaluated using the digitized waveforms. At the same time, a comparative analysis is applied relative to events recorded recently approximatively in the same focus in order to constrain the location, focal depth and focal mechanism solution (e.g., P and S time arrivals, S-P time differences, S/P amplitude ratios). The implementation of the proposed methodology to reconsider historic instrumental data opens new perspectives for seismic zoning and seismic hazard assessment in Romania.