Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Thermodynamics of clouds associated to cold and occluded fronts
Authors: Lucretia PICUI, Sabina STEFAN
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.BOX MG-11, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail picuilucretia@gmail.com
Keywords: cold front, occluded front, thermodynamics
Abstract: It is known from dynamic meteorology that clouds associated to atmospheric fronts have specific physical properties. By researching the physics of clouds associated to atmospheric fronts, it is possible to evaluate and forecast the meteorological phenomena, which usually consist of severe weather. This study aims to analyze the thermodynamics of the development process of clouds associated to cold and occluded fronts. These clouds are usually convective, thus influencing the weather, as well as the aircraft flights. The cloud, being a thermodynamic system, is also a polydisperse colloidal system, interacting with the atmosphere. The main thermodynamic parameters which define cloud properties and which have been used in our study are the following: temperature, potential equivalent temperature, pressure, water content. Knowing these parameters allows us to determine the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and the convective inhibition energy (CIN). The analysis has been made using thermodynamic diagrams of 19th June and 10th July 2014 cases, when Mediterranean cyclonic formations above our country have led to severe weather. In these cases, the analysis showed very high figures of CAPE 939.2J/kg for the day of 10th July , and the CIN value determined for 19th June, of -242 J/kg pointed to the initiation of cyclone occlusion.