2024-11-22 1:51


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting

Section: Physics Education

Inquiry-based learning spaces for STEM education

Nuri KORGANCI(1,2), Cristina MIRON(1)

1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania

2) International Computer High School, Bucharest, Romania


solar energy, STEM, online labs, inquiry learning, learning spaces

It is widely acknowledged that all energy sources have a certain impact on our planet’s environment. This is why diminishing the usage of fossil fuels and replacing it with renewable energy would have a vital positive impact on public health. One of the renewable sources is sun which is able to generate clean and sustainable energy. Due to this rapid increase in demand, a greater number of skilled engineers, possessing a clear understanding of both theoretical and practical PV technology, is needed. The prevailing downsides are the price of solar labs and the difficulty of maintaining them. A solution to this are online labs which can grant access to information and investigation regarding the energy conversion properties of photovoltaic panels to student’s learning from a distance, without such equipment anywhere nearby them. A great example is the Go-Lab Federation which has provided virtual laboratories with data sets and experiments from remote, physical laboratories for large-scale use in public education. Through these means, Go-Lab achieves its goal of captivating students through inquiry-based teaching, inspiring them to follow a career path in science. We aim to entice young learners through the usage of online labs to further develop an educational interest in STEM fields. This paper is a presentation of an inquiry-based learning portal with the help of which teachers everywhere can enhance their courseware through online labs and experiments, promoting scientific methodology skills. For our study, we have selected a group of teachers from a high school and asked them to prepare lessons using this innovating technology. When interviewed, they have concluded that the online labs with ILS are very useful, it can be used by students from all over the world to investigate the whole range of properties and characteristics of photovoltaic panels with inquiry learning portal.