Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2015 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: Silicon sensors study in electrons beam from electromagnetic showers produces in tungsten absorber
Authors: Veta Ghenescu, Titi Preda
Affiliation: Institute of Space Science, Atomistilor 409, P.O. Box MG-23, Bucharest-Magurele RO-077125, ROMANIA
E-mail ghenescu@spacescience.ro
Keywords: sensors, calorimeters, front-end electronics for detector readout;
Abstract: Two calorimeters are foreseen in the very forward region of the ILC and CLIC detectors: The Luminosity Calorimeter (LumiCal) for the precise measurement of the luminosity and the Beam Calorimeter (BeamCal) for the fast estimate of the luminosity and tagging of high energy electrons.
A fully assembled sensor planes of the LumiCal calorimeter has been operated in mixed particle beam (electrons, muons and pions) at the CERN PS facilities with 5 GeV beam momentum. The experiment was performed to test the feasibility and performance of the various technologies. The results demonstrate very good performance of the response of full readout chain to beam particles for silicon sensors. In addition, studies of the shower development using tungsten absorber planes were done.
Acknowledgement: This work was partly supported by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) under the project PN-II-PCCA-2013, no. 290/2014 and by the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA), contracts STAR-C2 64/2013 and STAR-C2 85/2013.