2025-03-07 4:19


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2016 Meeting

Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science

SEM Characterization of Graphene Grown on Copper Substrate

Bogdan BITA(1,2), Bianca ȚîNCU(2), Vasilica ȚUCUREANU(2), Andrei AVRAM(2), Iulia ZAI(1), Marian POPESCU(2), Stefan ANTOHE(1), Adrian DINESCU(2)

1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor street, 077125, Magurele,Romania.

2) National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies, 126A Erou Iancu Nicolae street, 023573,Bucharest, Romania


SEM, graphene, CVD

The thermal method of growing graphene systems for chemical vapor deposition is widespread because it allows to obtain high quality monolayers on large surfaces. Currently, it is considered that this method is most feasible to obtain monolayer graphene on an industrial scale for applications in micro- and nano-electronics. To characterize monolayers grown, Raman technique is most commonly used, but is limited in the sense that only provide qualitative information, not quantitative.[1] For the quantitative evaluation of the layer increased, in particular in the steps of implementation and optimization of the growth process, it is necessary to characterize the SEM to evaluate the size of the field of graphene and coverage of the substrate. However, from experiments, we found evidence impossibility view of the residues and secondary reaction products covering the entire surface.[2] In this regard, we have developed a two-step cleaning protocol after which it is possible to view areas of graphene in high resolution. In the proposed protocol is used in acetone and alcohol washing of the sample followed by heat treatment at 400 oC under an argon atmosphere.


1. Amira Ben Gouider Trabelsi · Feodor Kusmartsev · Derek Michael Forrester · Olga E Kusmartseva · Marat Gaifullin · Pat Cropper · Meherzi Oueslati, The emergence of quantum capacitance in epitaxial graphene, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, DOI:10.1039/C6TC02048H, (2016).

2. Dung Hoang Tien · Jun-Young Park · Ki Buem Kim · Naesung Lee · Yongho Seo, Characterization of Graphene-based FET Fabricated using a Shadow Mask, Scientific Reports, 6, 25050 (2016).