Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2016 Meeting
Section: Atomic and Molecular Physics. Astrophysics. Applied Nuclear Physics
Title: Dosimetric studies of radioactive sources used in brachytherapy
Authors: Larisa GANEA(1), Oana RISTEA(1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest- Faculty Of Physics, Magurele, Romania
E-mail larisa1994g@yahoo.com
Keywords: Brachytherapy, GEANT4, Dose distribution
Abstract: Brachytherapy is a radiation technique used for cancer treatment. Radioactive sources are used to deposit therapeutic doses near tumors while preserving surrounding healthy tissues. Monte Carlo simulations allows us to calculate accurate dose distributions and lead to a better understanding of treatment outcomes.
The present work is based on Monte Carlo simulations with GEANT4 code for the transport of radiations in matter.
The simulations were made using a box-phantom made of an absorbent material that can be changed into water, muscle tissue or bone. For a complete analysis were used four different types of radioactive sources: 125I , 192Ir , 60Co and 137Cs placed in the center of the box-phantom. Using a water box-phantom and different number of gamma radiations, we studied the distribution of energy deposited at various depths from the source. The behavior of the dose distributions for the different types of absorbent material (bone, muscle, water) will be also presented.