Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2016 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: Investigations of Cation Occupancy and Spin Canting in Nanocrystalline Ferrites
Authors: Simona GRECULEASA(1), Gabriel SCHINTEIE(1), Lawrence KUMAR(2), Pawan KUMAR(3), Sanjeev KUMAR(3), Balaram SAHOO(4), Manoranjan KAR(3), Victor KUNCSER(1)
Affiliation: 1) National Institute for Materials Physics, P.O. Box MG-7, 77125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
2) Centre for Nanotechnology, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi 835205, India
3) Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patna 800013, India
4) Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, 560012 Bangalore, India.
E-mail simona.greculeasa@infim.ro
Keywords: ferrites, nanocristallites, inversion, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, VSM, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Random Canting of Spins model
Abstract: A methodology to determine the cation occupancy and the spin canting in nanocrystalline ferrites is presented, using the Random Canting of Spins (RCS) model. The nanocrystalline nature of the ferrites and single-phase character were confirmed by the X–Ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy techniques. Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to investigate the inversion degree (or the cation occupancy) of nanocrystalline ferrites. The results from Mössbauer spectroscopy are corroborated with magnetic results. The experimental magnetic moments of the ferrites may be very different from the case of antiparallel alignment of the spins located in different positions (tetrahedral and octahedral), even considering a partially inverted structure. In this respect, the RCS model was used in order to determine the canting angle at the octahedral sites.
Acknowledgement: Financial support through the grant for research project funded by DST, CSIR and DAE and by the projects IDEI 75/2011, PN16-480101 and PN16-480102, is gratefully acknowledged. IIT Guwahati is acknowledged for extending the TEM facility.