Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2016 Meeting
Section: Physics Education
Title: A new approach to physics lessons
Authors: Marin OPREA(1,2), Cristina MIRON(1)
Affiliation: 1)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
2)"Mihai Viteazul" School, Calarasi, Romania
E-mail opreamarin2007@yahoo.com
Keywords: smartboard, access point, server, computer network, data acquisition device, tablet, smartphone, LabVIEW, Excel, Moodle, evaluation tests
Abstract: The success in the teaching and learning of Physics rests on two fundamental parameters: a spatial one, related to the set-up of the workspace (laboratory) and a temporal one, based on the speed at which the information travels in this workspace. We found these parameters to be in a dynamic relationship, as the development of one factor is reflected in the development of the other. In the first part of this paper we will present the way in which a modern Physics laboratory from an school needs to be configured both on a hardware and software level, in order to ensure the success of the didactic goals. Secondly, we will carry out a step-by-step analysis of a Physics lesson performed in this specially configured laboratory in order to assess the level of its efficiency compared to lessons performed in a common classroom.