Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Possible Experiment for the Demonstration of Neutron Waves Interaction with Spatially Oscillating Potential
Authors: Madalina Mihaela MILOI (1,2), Alexander FRANK (2), Octavian SIMA (1) , G. KULIN (2), S. GORYUNOV (2), M. ZAKHAROV (2)
Affiliation: 1. Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea Bucuresti
2. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna
E-mail madalina.mihaela.miloi@gmail.com
Keywords: neutron optics
Abstract: A wide range of problems in neutron optics is well described by a theory based on application of the effective potential model. It is important to note that theory of dispersion involves a very substantial assumption of sphericity of interfering scattered waves. In a non-inertial reference frame associated with accelerated matter, the concept of spherical waves is invalid. It was supposed that the concept of the effective potential in neutron optics has a limited region of validity and ceases to be correct in the case of the giant acceleration of matter [1]. To test this hypothesis a new Ultra Cold neutron experiment for the observation of neutron interaction with a potential structure oscillating in space was proposed [2]. The report is focused on the model calculations of the topography of sample surface that oscillates in space. These calculations are necessary to find optimal parameters and geometry of the planned experiment.
[1] Frank A.I., JETP Lett. 100 (2014) 613
[2] A.I. Frank, D.V. Kustov, G.V. Kulin el al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 746 (2016) 012054