Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
Title: Manifestation of chaotic behaviour in Josephson heterostructures at local-collective state transition
Authors: Marina CUZMINSCHI(1), Alexei ZUBAREV(1,2), Ioan STAMATIN (1), Yury M. SHUKRINOV(3,4)
Affiliation: 1)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics,MG-11, 405 Atomistilor Street, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
2)INFLPR, 409 Atomistilor Street,PO Box MG-36, 077125, Magurele, Bucharest , Romania
3) BLTP, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
4) Dubna State University, Dubna, Russia
E-mail marina.cuzminschi@gmail.com
Keywords: Josephson Junctions, chaos, nanostructres
Abstract: Creation of travelling longitudinal plasma wave and establishment of the second hysteresis zone in the IV-characteristics of the systems with large dissipation and coupling parameters is demonstrated in Ref. [1].
In our work we study an appearance of chaotic behaviour [2] in the coupled system of Josephson junctions at large dissipation [1,3]. Results of detailed investigation of phase dynamics and IV-characteristics of the stacks with different number of junctions and coupling parameter are presented. We have found that chaotic behaviour takes place in the states corresponded to the different parts of the IV-characteristic, particularly, to the McCumber zone, second hysteresis zone [1], and a region between them.
In the image attached can be seen chaotic behaviour on CVC for each layer of the systems of 9 coupled Josephson junctions, coupling parameter of 0.52 and dissipation of 0.8. Also, can be noticed branching in McCumber zone.
We have demonstrated a creation of two types of longitudinal plasma wave in the system at different sweep of bias current. With an increase of bias current along the additional branch in the IV-characteristic we have observed a charge travelling wave in the system. At a decrease of bias current two different regions in the IV-characteristic are observed. In one of them the behaviour of junctions is chaotic, while in the second one it is represented by standing wave. Chaotic behaviour related to the second hysteresis in IV-characteristic are studied in detail. Chaotic behaviour at large dissipation parameters also is confirmed by the analysis of the charge distribution along the stack of the superconducting layers and by charge-charge phase diagrams.
[1] A. Zubarev, M. Cuzminschi, Yu. M. Shukrinov, “Influence of Dissipation and Coupling on Collective Behaviour in Systems of Josephson Junctions”, International symposium “Nanophysics & Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod March, 13-16, 2017
[2] Shukrinov, Yu M., et al. "Manifestation of resonance-related chaos in coupled Josephson junctions." Physics Letters A 376.47 (2012): 3609-3619.
[3] Shukrinov, Yu M., and M. Hamdipour. "The c-axis charge travelling wave in a coupled system of Josephson junctions." JETP letters 95.6 (2012): 307-313.
Acknowledgement: This work was partially supported by the Romanian Ministry of National Education by the contract PN 16 47 0101 with UEFISCDI and project 2016 / 25.of JINR-Romania collaboration.