Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting
Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Cleaning mechanisms of emission spectra for neon/nitrogen with hydrogen mixtures plasma
Authors: Ion GRUIA, Catalina CIOBOTARU
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics
E-mail gruia_ion@yahoo.com
Keywords: cleaning effect, hydrogen, reaction mechanism
Abstract: An interesting effect of “reduction” of the emission spectra appears at the addition of a certain amount of hydrogen in neon/nitrogen gas mixtures plasma.
In the plasma of a mixture of hydrogen with neon, the main reaction mechanism leading, to say, this “cleaning effect” of the emission spectrum is the resonance ionic three - body reaction in which hydrogen have a double role: that of the energy mediator in the form of the metastable atom and the reaction partner in the form of a negative ion. In the case of plasma formed by the mixture of nitrogen with hydrogen, the reaction mechanism is based on the ability of hydrogen to inhibit the dissociation process of the nitrogen molecule in the component atoms, resulting in a strong increase in the intensity of the second positive system of the nitrogen molecule at the expense of the other characteristic spectral system. It should be mentioned that the effect occurs in the first case in stationary discharges, both in alternating current and DC, at a total pressure of the gaseous mixture greater than 12 mbar, and in the second case in a continuous flow discharge and at pressures below 6 mbar. What is the explanation for such behavior, whereby hydrogen, acting under such different experimental conditions, produces a similar effect? It is precisely the purpose that the present work proposes.