2025-03-07 5:00


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting

Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science

Influence of Cr and Si alloying on the properties of arc plasma deposited ZrCN coatings

Lidia R. CONSTANTIN (1,2), Mihai COJOCARU (2), Anca C. PARAU (1), Mihaela DINU (1), Alina VLADESCU (1)

1) National Institute for Optoelectronics, 409 Atomistilor St., 077125 Magurele-Bucharest, Romania

2) University Politehnica of Bucharest, 313 Spl. Independentei, 060042 Bucharest, Romania


ZrCN and ZrCrSiCN coatings; Microstructure; Corrosion; Friction and wear

Metal carbonitride hard coatings are generally regarded as excellent protective coatings against wear, erosion and corrosion in a wide range of applications. They combine the superior characteristics of carbides (high hardness and melting point, good adhesion to metallic substrates, low thermal expansion coefficient, reduced brittleness) with those of nitrides (high stability, low interaction tendency with materials in contact). The aim of this work was to comparatively investigate the novel Zr–Cr–Si–C–N and the ZrCN reference coatings in terms of elemental and phase composition, crystalline structure, surface morphology, mechanical properties (hardness, reduced elastic modulus, adhesion to the substrate), as well as corrosion resistance and tribological performance in 3.5 w.t.% NaCl solution. ZrCN reference coating alloyed with Cr and Si were deposited on Si (100) and steel (316L and C45) substrates by using the cathodic vacuum arc technique, in a reactive atmoshere containing C2H2 and N2. The Zr–Cr–Si–C–N nanostructured coatings were composed of face-centred cubic (FCC) solid solutions of metallic carbonitrides. The beneficial effects of Cr and Si addition to ZrCN determined a crystallite size reduction from 4.7 to 3.4 nm and densified microstructure with glassy-like morphology, as observed by SEM. Cr and Si addition to the reference coating determined an enhanced corrosion resistance, such as the corrosion current density decreased from 150 to 23 nA/cm2. Both coatings improved the tribological performance of 316L steel in 3.5 w.t.% NaCl solution, but the wear rate of the Zr–Cr–Si–C–N coated steel was reduced to half of the one coated by ZrCN. Considering the results obtained in the current investigation, the Zr–Cr–Si–C–N coating appears to be a promising candidate as protective coating for parts and mechanical components working under severe wear and corrosive conditions.

This work was funded by Core Program, under the support of ANCSI, projects no. PN