2025-03-07 5:17


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting

Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection

The comparison of the observed and modelled macroseismic field associated with Romanian subcrustal and crustal earthquakes

Cristian GHITA (1), Raluca PARTHENIU (1), Angela Petruta CONSTANTIN (1), Dragos TOMA DANILA (1), Maria ROGOZEA (1), Andreita ANGHEL (1), Iren Adelina MOLDOVAN (1)

1) National Institute for Earth Physics, Magurele, Romania


macroseismic intensity, isoseismal maps, Vrancea area

This work was focused on the distribution of the macroseismic intensity using the isoseismal maps for normal and intermediate depth earthquakes recorded in Romania between 1790- 1966, during the historical and instrumental period of seismology. The maximum epicentral intensity is in the range of IV ½ -X MSK intensity scale. So, for 10 normal depth and 12 intermediate depth earthquakes we modelled the intensity distributions with various attenuation laws as function of epicentral intensity, distance and azimuth and we have compared with the existing isoseismal maps. For the main Romanian seismic regions there were tested the existing macroseismic attenuation laws by Pantea et al, 1994, Pantea and Moldovan, 2000 and Pantea et al., 2001 for crustal foci and by Enescu and Enescu, 2007, Moldovan, 2007, and Sokolov et al, 2008 for Vrancea subcrustal earthquakes. The main objective of this study is to evidence the best attenuation law that will be used to estimate the expected macroseismic intensity at different important sites from Romania, and to further use them in the assessment of the seismic hazard and risk of the country and to design the real time shake maps.


Pantea, A. 1994., Macroseismic intensity attenuation for crustal sources on Romanian territory and adjacent areas, Natural Hazards, 10: 65-72.

Pantea A. and I.A. Moldovan, 2000. Attenuation relationships using macroseismic intensity curves. Part I. Crustal earthquakes from Fagaras and adjacent zones. Romanian Journal of Physics, 45 (7-8).

Enescu, D and B.D. Enescu A Procedure For Assessing Seismic Hazard Generated By Vrancea Earthquakes And Its Application. III. A Method For Developing Isoseismal And Isoacceleration Maps. Applications Romanian Reports In Physics, Vol. 59, No. 1, P. 121–145, 2007

Moldovan I.A., 2007, Metode si modele statistice in seismologie, pag 236, Editura Morosan, Bucuresti 2007.

Sokolov V, K.-P. Bonjer, F. Wenzel F., B. Grecu B., and M. Radulian, 2007. Ground-motion prediction equations for the intermediate depth Vrancea (Romania) earthquakes, Bull Earthquake Eng (2008) 6:367–388 DOI 10.1007/s10518-008-9065-6

This paper was partially carried out within Nucleu Program, supported by ANCSI, projects no. PN 16 35 01 06, PN 16 35 03 01 and PN 16 35 03 05 and the Partnership in Priority Areas Program – PNII, under MEN-UEFISCDI, DARING Project no. 69/2014.