Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting
Section: Physics and Technology of Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
Title: Gas sensors for food traceability. Fabrication, testing and applications.
Authors: Stefan CARAMIZOIU(1,2), Stefan-Marian IORDACHE(3), Ioan STAMATIN(1,3)
Affiliation: 1)Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Atomistilor 405, Magurele, 077125, Ilfov, Romania
2)Optoelectronica 2001, Atomistilor 409, Magurele, 077125, Ilfov, Romania
3)3Nano-SAE Research Center, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Atomistilor 405, Magurele, 077125, Ilfov, Romania
E-mail stefancaramizoiu@yahoo.com
Keywords: gas sensor, food traceability, polyaniline, Arduino
Abstract: The study presents the analysis of two types of gas sensors: a commercially available, MQx gas sensor, based on SnO2 and a newly developed gas sensor based on electropolymerization of polyaniline on a Kapton/graphene support. The performance of the two gas sensors is analyzed using resistivity measurements (to determine sensor sensitivity), response time, regeneration times, dependence with gas density and variation of sensor stability with temperature. The results are compared with data available on-line, on the manufacturer’s site and with other results published in the literature.
The tests are conducted using an Arduino testing platform, modified to accommodate the sensors. Also, the data acquisition board was programmed for multi-purpose applications, in order to collect several sensor responses (resistivity, temperature, density and pressure readings).
Acknowledgement: The authors were supported by grant PCCA 142/2014 of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research.