2025-03-07 4:52


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting

Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Investigation on gamma radiation defects induced in KETEK silicon photomultipliers produced by different technologies

Andrei STANCALIE(1), Dan SPOREA(1), Daniel NEGUT(2), Eugen ENGELMANN(3,4), Florian WIEST(4), P. ISKRA(4), W. HANSCH(3)

1)National Institute for Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics, Center for Advanced Laser Technologies (CETAL), Magurele , Romania

2)“Horia Hulubei” National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, IRASM Radiation Processing Department, Magurele , Romania

3)Institute of Physics, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg, Germany

4)KETEK GmbH, Munich, Germany


Silicon photomultipliers, radiation effects, gamma-ray

In this work, we evaluate the impact of gamma radiation on silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) produced by KETEK GmbH. We investigated the following parameters: IV-CV characteristic, dark count rate (DCR), photon detection efficiency (PDE), as they are of high importance in the context of applications like space born systems or operation in nuclear environments. For SiPM characterization, tests were conducted at KETEK, Germany as well at INFLPR, Romania. “PM3350” and “PM3325” photodetectors consisting of an active area of 3X3 mm2 with 50 μm or 25 μm microcells were irradiated with 120 Gy total gamma dose at the 60Co source of the IRASM facility, part of IFIN-HH, in Romania. The tested samples were manufactured with different technologies like deeper APD or lower implantation dose. Tests on IV- parameters have been performed at KETEK before and after the irradiation, utilizing a station probe, while a set-up for DCR and PDE measurements was developed at the Photonics Investigation Laboratory, CETAL. For better understanding the impact of irradiation and the detectors radiation hardness, the setup includes a tunable laser source operating between 400 nm and 800 nm with adjustable energy and frequency. The detectors response is evaluated with a 2 MHz LeCroy oscilloscope and a detector evaluation kit from KETEK, which includes an adjustable BIAS source and a preamplifier. The photodetectors are placed in a custom designed light-tight box, while the laser output illuminates the sample by using an integrating sphere.

This collaborative work is supported by the COST Action TD1401: Fast advanced Scintillator Timing (FAST). The Romanian authors acknowledge the financial support of the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), under Grant 24PED/2017, project “Photonics devices under extreme operating conditions – PHOENIX”. Some of the equipments used in this research were purchased in the frame of the project “Center for Advanced Lasers Technologies (CETAL)”, contract 8PM/2010, financed by UEFISCDI.