Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting
Section: Atomic and Molecular Physics. Astrophysics. Applications
Title: Comparison study of gas tritium time series in different European countries during a period of more than ten years
Authors: Octavian DULIU(1), Dheyaa Shnawa MUATAZ(1), Bashar AL-KOTBE(1), Ali Kadeem AL-KELINE(1)
Affiliation: (1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Romania
E-mail o.g.duliu@gmail.com
Keywords: tritium gas, sources, environment, European countries, comparisons
Abstract: Observations of the activity concentrations of tritium 3H progenitors within the atmosphere as recorded in different countries are analysed and discussed in correlation with air temperature, monthly precipitation and sky cloudiness. We can find the results of five European countries (Romania, Germany, Russia, Spain, Slovenia). We chose certain cities within those countries where they have good and clear records of tritium gas concentrations, as well as for precipitations and air temperature. Other condition was that these records be during minimum 10 years.
A program was used to extract data.
In this report we used the methods suggested in Observation Networks Data in Water Isotope System for data analysis, visualization and electronic retrieval (WISER). The websites of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were used, as well as additional networks, like AIEA Water Resources Programme, Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP), World Meteoric Organization (WMO), Network of Isotopes in Rivers (GNIR).
These data are on the market in tabulated type through the Water Atom System for data Analysis, Image and Electronic Retrieval (WISER). This basis was developed in a collaboration among IAEA, WRP and University of Vienna, Department of Earth Sciences.
The graphical interface permits the thematic layering further because the simple choice of data for download in many formats. A plotting module permits making a variety of standard plots. Obtaining and citing GNIP/GNIR data and statistics is free of charge from the WISER application.