Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2017 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: Severe weather events in southern Romania and satellite imagery
Authors: Robert CHIRITESCU (1,2), Sabina STEFAN(1), Andrei DIAMANDI(2), Oana NICOLA(2), Eduard LUCA (2)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O. Box MG-11, Bucharest, Romania
2) National Meteorological Administration, 97 Bucharest - Ploiesti AVE, Sector 1, Bucharest, ZIP Code 013686
E-mail chiritescu.robert.valentin@gmail.com
Keywords: Convection, satellite imagery
Abstract: Convection is the atmospheric process that can generate dangerous phenomena associated to cloud systems such as hailstones, large amounts of precipitation, wind intensification and electrical discharges. The aim of this work is to analyze the link between satellite products and nowcasting’s meteorological parameters in the cases of convective processes. The analyzed cases in South of Romania were for warm season (from April to September) of 2016. The MSG RGB 0017 product is used to identify the convective clouds and for a better resolution is used HRV channel 12 of the satellite that will be compared with the nowcasting data. The study has shown that in a lot of atmospheric convection, the satellite products help forecasters to predict the atmospheric convection.
Acknowledgement: First author thank to National Meteorological Administration, 97 Bucharest - Ploiesti AVE, Sector 1, Bucharest, ZIP Code 013686 for the meteorological data.