Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2018 Meeting
Section: Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Title: Analysis of the current-voltage characteristics of an individual ZnO-CuO core-shell nanowire using Lambert W functions
Authors: A. NITESCU (1), C. FLORICA (2), A. COSTAS (2), N. PREDA (2), A. KUNCSER (2), I. ENCULESCU (2), S. ANTOHE (1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor Street, B.O.Box MG-11, Magurele –ILFOV, 077125 Romania
2) National Institute of Materials, Atomistilor 405A, Magurele –Ilfov, 077125 Romania
E-mail nitescu.andrei25@yahoo.com
Keywords: ZnO-CuO core-shell nanowire, radial p-n heterojunction
Abstract: ZnO-CuO nanowires have been synthetized using 2 steps: thermal oxidation for the n type ZnO core and magnetron sputtering for the deposition of a thin film of p type CuO to act as a shell. The structural, morphological, optical and electric properties of the semiconducting nanowires have been studied. Pt/CuO-ZnO nanowire electrical contacts were investigated. A p-n radial heterojunction has been identified in the nanowire while an ohmic behavior was observed at the contact region of Pt and CuO. The Pt/CuO/ZnO/ structure is suitable for integration in diode type devices, more specifically p-n heterojunction diodes. Using Lambert W functions, a circuit model has been determined for individual ZnO-CuO core-shell nanowire based diode. The quality coefficient of the diode, shortcircuit current and the parasitic resistances compared to an ideal circuit were extracted from the simulation.
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