Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2018 Meeting
Section: Biophysics; Medical Physics
Title: Lesions induced by radiation in living matter and their repair mechanisms
Authors: Claudia CHILOM, Doina GĂZDARU, Aurel POPESCU
Affiliation: University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomiștilor Street, B.O.Box MG-11, Măgurele –Ilfov, 077125, Romania
E-mail prof.aurel.popescu@gmail.com
Keywords: Living matter, UV radiation, ionising radiation, nucleic acids, photoreactivation, dark repair, medical applications
Abstract: Living matter had evolved and is currently operating under the inevitable and permanent interaction with all kinds of radiations: non-ionising and ionising ones. Some of these interactions are beneficent for biosystems, while others can induce biomolecular lesions (i.e., protein and/or nucleic acid breakings) with negative consequences at higher level of living matter organization. Biological effects of irradiation depend on various factors like the type and dose of radiation, the exposure time and the type of cells and biological tissue. We shall focus to the non ionising short wavelength UV radiations as well as to the ionising ones (e.g., X, gamma, etc.) able to provoke both breakings of chemical bonds and ionizations of the atoms of proteins and nucleic acids, but also oxidative damage of lipids and many other metabolites. Fortunately, the living matter had succeeded to counterbalance the harmful effect of these radiations, developing very useful defence enzymatic systems. For instance, the single strand break of DNA is actively repaired by a set of cooperating enzymes, plastically called cut and patch system. The interaction mechanism between ionising radiation and living matter is very intricate. Therefore, its deciphering is absolutely necessary in order to prevent the undesired cellular effects, or to use these radiations in therapeutic purposes.
Aurel Popescu. Fundamentals of Medical Biophysics, Vol. II (in Romanian) ALL Editing House, Bucharest, 2001
Doina Găzdaru, Claudia Chilom, Aurel Popescu. Interaction of ultraviolet radiations with living matter. Medical Applications, Annual Scientific Conference, Anniversary Edition, Faculty pf Physics, University of Bucharest, June 22-23, 2012
Aurel Popescu. Effects of Radiations at Molecular and Cellular Level. Lesion Repair Mechanisms, IAEA National Training Course on the Implementation of IAEA, TRS 430, Bucharest, January 22-26, 2014
Julie A. Reisz, Nidhi Bansal, Jiang Qian, Weiling Zhao, and Cristina M. Furdui. Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Biological Molecules-Mechanisms of Damage and Emerging Methods of Detection, Antioxidants &Redox Signaling, 21, 260-292, 2014