Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2018 Meeting
Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics
Title: Dosimetric evaluation under clinical conditions of the commissioning of intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning system
Authors: Andreea Alexandra UDREA(1), Alexandru JIPA(1), Alecsandru CHIROSCA(1), Mihai DUMITRACHE (2)
Affiliation: 1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 409 Atomiistilor Str. Magurele, Ilfov
2) Dr. Carol Davila Central Military Emergency University Hospital, Radiotherapy Department, Calea 134 Plevnei Str, Bucharest, ROMÂNIA
E-mail alecsandru.chirosca@ccpr.ro
Keywords: IMRT, Radiotherapy, quality assurance, TG 119(2009), treatment plans
Abstract: Radiotherapy uses ionizing radiation to treat cancer disease. The efficiency of this therapeutic method consists in the quality assurance (QA) in the radiation therapy treatment planning and delivery process which is essential to ensure accurate dose delivery to the patient and to minimize the possibility of accidental exposure.
New technology developemnts allow for the more accurate techniques to be applied to treatment plâns and one such technology is Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy – IMRT.
The purpose of this paper was the verification of IMRT commissioning, based on the AAPM TG 119(2009) report which provides guidlines in this direction. „End to end” commissioning verification refers to the initial verification by phantoms studies so that treatments with clinical relevance can be planned and delivered with sufficient accuracy, intending that the values of the clinically relevant parameters fall within the tolerance limits imposed by the literature
TG 119 procedure was performed on the facilites of the Dr. Carol Davila Central Military Emergency University Hospital with better than average results for the proposed treatment plans.