Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2018 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: The Effect Oxygen Molecule on Electromagnetic Signal in Ionosphere of Iraq Space
Authors: Kareem Abdualameer DIFAR(1), Mustafa K. HAMDANI(1)
Affiliation: 1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.Box MG-11, Magurele, 077125 Bucharest, Romania
E-mail mkhaleel190@gmail.com, kaad1983@gmail.com
Keywords: ion temperature, plasma, ion oxygen, IRI plas model
Abstract: This article studies the state of Ionosphere over some continents across the world: South Africa, Europe, Asia. The Ionosphere in these spots is very different and the spots have different TEC because they are located at different geographical coordinates. The Ionosphere has activity points based on the solar wind and other parameters; this can have an effect on the signal that is transmitted from the ground station to satellites. We use some programs that simulated the delay in the signal because of the activity in Ionosphere. Ionosphere is a very important layer which could create many problems in the field of communication, therefore, the scientists in EUROPE and USA and other countries suggest to open many websites to download the hourly data for real state of the Ionosphere. This data is used for checking and testing the layers for Ionosphere from 0 to 2000 km, eg. websites TRIGNET in South Africa and SWIPOSS in Swiss land In EUROPE. The simulation programs we use are downloaded from these websites; they translate what happens in Ionosphere hourly. The Nequick model and IRI Plas computational program were also used in this research. IRI Plas 2017 Model [1] was used for the experiment for Ionosphere over Irak in 2018. Main result of present study shows that Doppler shift frequency depends on the distance instead of ion temperature.
[1] U. Sezen, T. L. Gulyaeva and F. Arikan, 2018. “Performance of solar proxy options of IRI-Plas model for equinox seasons,” J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 123(2), pp. 1441-1456, “http://www.ionolab.org/iriplasonline/index.php?locale=en.”
Acknowledgement: The IRIS PLas computational program is supported by Hacetepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.