Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2018 Meeting
Section: Atmosphere and Earth Science; Environment Protection
Title: The Planetary Boundary Layer - Comparative Study Experiment - Modelling
Authors: Bianca Mihalache(1,2),Sabina ȘTEFAN(2),Andreea CALCAN(1)
Affiliation: 1)National Institute for Aerospace Research “Ellie Carafoli” – INCAS, Iuliu Maniu Bdv., No. 220, Bucharest, Romania
2)University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.Box MG-11, Magurele, 077125 Bucharest, Romania
E-mail mihalache.bianca@incas.ro
Keywords: PBL, ceilometer, atmosphere, model
Abstract: As the lowest layer of the troposphere, the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) is directly and strongly influenced by the processes at the interface atmosphere - underlying surface. Accurate estimations of PBL variations in both time and space are important for air quality applications, weather and climate models but it is not limited to. The aim of present work is to investigate whether the remote sensing equipment, CL31 Vӓїsӓlӓ Ceilometer CL-31 can successfully reproduce the general PBL pattern at two different sites - Magurele (44.380°N and 26.029°E, near Bucharest) and Strejnic (44.55°N and 25.57°E, near Ploiesti), and if our observations are in accordance with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (E.C.M.W.F) model predictions.In order to analyze the coincident daily measurements for year 2017 at Magurele and Strejnic sites, we used both the CL-31 software, Boundary Layer View, and an own specific-designed program in LabVIEW; for the E.C.M.W.F. data we used Grid Analysis and System Display (GrADS) tool.
The values of PBL were compared with those derived from model, obtained from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (E.C.M.W.F.). Results indicate a good agreement between measurements and model data for stable conditions, with no significant differences in mixing layer height observations at both sites. For unstable atmospheric conditions, there are higher differences, as proved by the root mean square error values.
Acknowledgement: This work was partially supported by national funding thru contracts numbers 150/2017 and 18.01N/2018 – PN18010104.