2025-03-07 4:37


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2018 Meeting

Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers

Developing of an efficient NdYVO4 mode locked laser oscillator: design and output performances

Catalina Alice BRANDUS (1,2), Traian DASCALU (1)

1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Magurele Romania

2) National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania


SESAM mode locking, NdYVO4 laser, picosecond pulses

Powerful picoseconds (ps) infrared laser oscillators are successfully employed when applications as high resolution microscopy, nonlinear optics or educational research are envisaged. Many of these ultrashort ps laser sources are based on laser emission at 1 μm range in diode pumped Nd3+ doped crystals that are subject of selective and nonlinear modulation of a well defined semiconductor saturable absorption mirror – SESAM device. The passive mode-locking for NdYVO4 medium was reported in various papers [1-6]. Basic understanding of the cavity design issues together with proper selection of the SESAM parameters for simultaneous efficient laser operation and ultrashort bandwidth limited pulse formation, in the ps NdYVO4 laser oscillator, is beneficial for a large area of researchers and laser developers. This work aims to present the cavity design issues and laser operation characteristics at 1.06 μm, in the NdYVO4 oscillator with different working regimes – continuous wave (CW), Q-switched mode locking (QML) and continuous mode locking (CML), when two different SESAMs are used. Experiments revealed that a very stable NdYVO4 laser can be developed with operation in CW, QML or CML regime. In well defined conditions, the laser output consists of a very stable CML train of pulses. The average power stability in CML regime is very good, fluctuations of less than 3% are observed during 1 h of operation. Moreover, a slope efficiency of the SESAM2 mode locked NdYVO4 laser of 41.2%, together with an optical to optical efficiency of 42.3%, at 5.17 W pump power are reported. From intensity autocorrelation data, the estimated pulse width with SESAM2 in the cavity was ~ 12 ps. However the laser output delivers ultrashort pulses with 13.8 nJ energy, and 1.15 kW, peak power, at 159 MHz repetition rate.



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