Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2019 Meeting
Section: Optics, Spectroscopy, Plasma and Lasers
Title: Optical Alignment SYstem for Spacecraft Formation Flying -- OASYS-FF
Authors: Edwin Alexandru LASZLO
Affiliation: INCD pentru Microtehnologie
E-mail eternal_edwin@yahoo.com
Keywords: Optoelectronics, Arduino Microcontroller, Space Science, Rendezvous Missions
Abstract: Many operational satellites orbit around our planet. To achieve specific goals, most of them are grouped, and guided from ground-base control facilities. Constellations of satellites communicate and navigate to cover the entire Earth surface. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the best suited example. Nonetheless, in certain space missions, precise and autonomous alignment is required. But how does spacecraft achieve the alignment ? What’s the strategy for a spacecraft shuttle to safety rendezvous a satellite for example ? Or how does satellites approach/departure from each other while in circular/elliptical orbits ? In this presentation special emphasis is put on those questions.
During the Master of Science, I have been carried out a structured activity in what the project involves. Firstly, a research part of the advantages of formation flying technique was conducted. Such idea emerges from nature, since migrating birds use it in order to consume as minimum energy as possible. In any case, in this approach electronic components were used. Welded on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) in a proper manner, and using geometrical optics, I have calculated the spot dimensions of the emitters at different distances, so that they fit onto one another. The responsivity of the receivers, and how does temperature effects them was also determined. Secondly, my attention has been focused on realizing an engineering model of the system. This experimental work involves an Arduino microcontroller in order to achieve a close loop control. Two servo motors give two degrees of freedom to one PCB for searching the other static PCB. Every time they misalign, a search and a detection of the maximum intensity in term of voltage are performed. Dependencies of variables are therefore obtained.
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Acknowledgement: Ileana CERNICA, Mugurel BALAN