2024-11-23 18:10


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2019 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

Production of Cu-64 radioisotope using the TR-19 cyclotron at IFIN-HH

Diana COCIOABĂ(1,2), Radu LEONTE(1), Alexandru JIPA(2), Dana NICULAE(1)

1)Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Magurele, Romania

2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physiscs, POBox MG-11, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania


Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron

Nuclear Medicine represents one of the biggest outcome in the field of Nuclear Physics. Due to continuous research efforts, physics has contributed to development of radioisotopes production that are used for medical purpose. Radiopharmaceuticals are biologically active compounds labeled with these radioisotopes and are being used both for imaging and therapeutical purposes. Cu-64 is a radioisotope whose properties (half-life of 12.7 hours, β- and β+ emission) allow it to be useful in both cancer imaging (PET) and treatment, which classify it as a theranostic isotope. In this study, our purpose was the optimization of Cu-64 production parameters.To date, several methods are being applied all over the world (particle accelerators or reactor); in this case we studied the Ni-64(p,n)Cu-64 reaction using a variable energy cyclotron (14-19MeV). An automated solid target system was employed in the process, including modules for electrodeposition, pneumatic transfer, irradiation, dissolving and purrification of the target. The process was optimized for our experimental setup, by starting with the electroplating of a target consisting of enrinched Ni and continuing with bombarding it with a 14 MeV proton beam. The process yield is highly dependent on irradiation parameters, such as: energy, current intensity, irradiation time, but also the geometry. The optimized parameters presented also refer to degrader thickness, target material and target dimensions. The production process of Cu-64 was optimized according to the specific particularities of the experimental set-up at TR-19 cyclotron at CCR, IFIN-HH.