2024-11-23 17:54


Conference: Bucharest University Faculty of Physics 2019 Meeting

Section: Nuclear and Elementary Particles Physics

New results on the study of 156Gd nucleus using the (p,t) reaction

Alina IONESCU (1,2), Sorin PASCU (1), Octavian SIMA (1,2,3), Thomas FAESTERMANN (4), Ralf HERTENBERGER (5), Constantin MIHAI (1), Radu MIHAI (1,6), Cristina NIŢĂ (1), Andrei TURTURICĂ (1,6), Hans-Friederich WIRTH (5)

1) Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), 30 Reactorului St., 077125 Magurele, ILFOV, POB MG-6, Romania

2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, 405 Atomistilor St., 077125 Magurele, ILFOV, POB MG-11, Romania

3) Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), 30 Reactorului St., 077125 Magurele, ILFOV, POB MG-6, Romania

4) Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany

5) Fakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany

6) Faculty of Applied Sciences, University Politehnica of Bucharest, R-060042, Romania


rare-earth region, Q3D spectrometer, (p,t) transfer reaction, 0+ excited states

We studied the structure of 156Gd using the Q3D magnetic spectrometer [1] and the (p, t) transfer reaction at an incident energy of 23 MeV. This study was performed at Maier Leibnitz Laboratory for Nuclear and Particle Physics of LMU Munich and TU Munich at the beginning of April 2016. For a correct information about the excitation energies in 156Gd we used 154Gd(p,t)152Gd and 126Te(p,t)124Te calibration reactions measured in the same magnetic conditions. A special attention was given to the observation of 0+ excited states [2, 3, 4] which are some of the most important excitations in the rare-earth region [5, 6]. These excitations are well revealed in the (p, t) transfer reaction, which is known to provide an almost complete spectroscopy of low-spin states. Experimental results were obtained by measuring angular distributions with a good energy resolution and comparing them with the calculations made using Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA). In the published data [6] the first excited 0+ state was populated with only 10% and no 0+ states were observed above 2.0 MeV. This observation was in contradiction with the results of the neighboring Gd isotopes where the cumulative transfer strength was seen with at least a factor of two larger. The present experiment clarifies the situation and confirms the transfer strength at approximately the same level as for the other Gd isotopes.


[1] M. Löffler, H. J. Scheerer and H.Vonach, Nucl. Instr. Meth. 3, 1-12 (1973).

[2] A.I. Levon et al., Phys. Rev. C 88, 014310 (2013).

[3] A.I. Levon et al., Phys. Rev. C 92, 064319 (2013).

[4] M. Spieker et al, Phys. Rev. C 97, 064319 (2018).

[5] D. A. Meyer et al., Phys. Rev. C 74, 044309 (2006).

[6] D. G. Fleming, C. Gunther, G. Hagemann, B. Herskind and P. O. Tjom, Phys. Rev. C 8, 806 (1973).